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September Wine Club - Grenache!

Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2023 - Sun, Sep 10, 2023
Time 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Venue: Tasting Room @ 222 D Street in Davis


September Tandem club

After taking a well deserved break in August, Tandem Club is back with a new release. This month's feature is the Grenache grape! Grenache has played a role in many wonderful wines, notably in the Rhone Valley in France. It also traveled around the world to find new homes in the US and Australia. Centuries before doing so, it went to neighbors Spain and Sardegna, Italy, where it became part of the winemaking heritage.

Everyone is welcome to discover this fantastic grape with our featured club wines, as well as several excellent versions from the Rhone Valley in France.

Tasting is free for club members, $20 for non members.
Refundable with a purchase of any 3 bottles